Top Sailing Summer Camps and Summer Sailing Programs for Kids & Teens in Virginia

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Camp Piankatank
Virginia Location(s)

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PO Box 435
1586 Stampers Bay Road
Hartfield, Virginia 23071


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TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp. Weekend Family Camps

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers. All Boy Campers. All Girl Campers.

AFFILIATION(S): Christian. Virginia Baptist Mission Board
Baptist General Association of Virginia

SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: We realize how few events there are for families affected by autism. As a result, we wanted to offer a family friendly, Christian environment for the entire family. During our Autism Family Camp, parents have time to network with other families, siblings have activities just for them, and more. Overall the whole family has a great opportunity to grow physically, spiritually, socially, and emotionally.

Sailing, Adventure, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Wilderness/Nature, Travel, Horses/Equestrian, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: We are 1 1/2 hours East of Richmond on the Piankatank River on 100 acres of wooded/waterfront property. Our location makes us ideal for land and water based activities. Currently, we have a popular sailing program and an adventurous outdoor education program. One of the highlights of our property is a 30 acre island just off of our waterfront. Some of our tracks canoe out to the island and spend a night during the week (weather permitting).

CAMP FACILITIES: We have 3 large, very comfortable cabins with indoor plumbing and central heat and a/c. We also have a swimming pool, pavilion, dining hall, activity hall, boathouse,and large fields for sports.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: “Camp Piankatank Summer Camp and Retreat center seeks to be a place where children, youth, and adults can enjoy God’s creation along the Piankatank River in a Christian retreat environment that encourages physical, spiritual, social, and emotional growth..”

Our goal is to glorify God by pointing others to Him, whether that’s through our summer camp program, or through the retreats that we plan or host. Camp Piankatank is a Christian summer camp and retreat center owned by the Baptist General Association of Virginia, and located on the beautiful Piankatank River.

During the summer, Camp Piankatank becomes what it was meant to be from the beginning, a summer camp. For many years, Camp Piankatank was operated as just a summer camp. This is our passion, this is why Camp Piankatank exists, and this is why so many people love this place – they have experienced the live-changing power of Christ at Camp Piankatank, and can point to the very place at camp that they first accepted him as their Lord and Savior.

Meet the Directors

Steve and Niki Gourley have been Directors at Camp Piankatank since 2006. They both have a long history at the camp, and have a passion for camp ministry. They understand the impact that camp can and does have on a child’s life, and that’s why they continue to serve here.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: We offer a CIT training program for students ages 15-17. After being accepted through the application process, CIT's come for a week of training alongside our counseling staff. During the summer, they attend two weeks of camp as a CIT. Each week costs $150, which is considerably lower than a typical week of camp. However, the training week is free of charge. CIT's will learn responsibility, professionalism, how to lead a group, how to lead a Bible study, and more. For more information, please contact our camp office.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: We do offer financial assistance for families in need. Those interested can contact the camp for a scholarship application.

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): In addition to our Autism Family Camp, we also offer two weekend family camps. We have a Mother/Daughter weekend and a Father/Son weekend. It's a great time for parents to get away with their kids and experience God's creation together!

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Outside of our summer programming, we rent out our facilities to all types of user groups. We are a great location to host your church or company retreat, whether it be for a day, weekend, or week. We can offer lodging, meals, high and low ropes activities, water based activities, meeting space with a/v equipment (subject to availability) and more.

Throughout the year Camp Piankatank is available for many different kinds of retreats, and hosts events for all non-profit groups, not just Baptist groups. We offer custom quotes to fit your needs, and we can do as little or as much as you would like us to do. From simply giving your Boy Scout troop a place to pitch some tents, or helping you plan your weekend retreat (with food, lodging, activities, and even a speaker) we are available to help.

Schedule and Prices:

Week 1 – Boys Only Week: ($270 base price) June 22 – June 27,
Tracks Offered: Amazing Adventure, Reel Fish Real Fun, True North Land, Beginning/Intermediate Sailing

Mini-Week 2 - Coed Mini Camp (7-9 year olds): ($130 base price) June 28 – June 30, Amazing Adventure is offered

Week 3 – Girls Only Week: ($270 base price)July 6 – July 11,
Tracks: Amazing Adventure, Saddle Sisters, True North Water, Beginning/Intermediate Sailing

Week 4 – Coed Week: ($325 base price) July 13 – July 18,
Tracks: Amazing Adventure, True North Land, Advanced Sailing

Week 5 – Coed : ($325 base price) July 20 – July 25, Tracks: Amazing Adventure, True North Water, Beginning/Intermediate Sailing, Sailing Excursion

Week 6 – Coed Youth (13+): ($325 base price) July 27 – August 1, Tracks: Extreme Escape, Reel Fish Real Fun, True North Land, Beginning/Intermediate Sailing

Week 7 – Coed Week: ($325 base price) August 3 – August 8,
Tracks: Amazing Adventure, Reel Fish Real Fun, True North Water, Beginning/Intermediate Sailing

The base price automatically registers you for Amazing Adventure/Extreme Escape.

Extra Fees for some tracks:
True North - $60- this covers the use of the camps outdoor equipment.
Sailing – $80 extra- this covers boat use and maintenance.
Sailing Excursion- $110 extra fee, covers boat use and maintenance
Reel Fish Real Fun – $50 extra covers a professionally chartered ½ day fishing trip. Rod/Reel kits are provided for campers who do not have them. Please bring your own if possible.
Saddle Sisters- $160 extra fee, covers daily trips to the horse farm.

We are currently looking for male counselors to be Christian role models for our amazing campers. Our positions are paid and the contract dates for 2014 are June 8-August 10. We require our staff to be at least 18 years old and one year removed from high school.

If you're interested, please visit our site or contact the camp office. 

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Virginia Summer Sailing Camps Offer Wide Range of Sailing Programs & Summer Sailing Activities

Be sure to check each camp listing under INSTRUCTIONAL ACTIVITIES OFFERED for the range of Special Interest Activities and Programs provided by each Virginia Sailing Summer Camp or Summer Sailing Recreation Program.

Many Virginia Day and Sleepaway Sailing Camps offer professional level instruction in a wide-range of Sailing Activities.

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