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Many of our Wisconsin Sailing Camps offer Winter Sailing Programs, Activities, Workshops & Classes starting in February, 2025.
Be sure to check the "Year-Round Programs and Other Camp Info" headings of each camp listing for specifics, or give any Sailing Camp you're interested in a call to check on Winter dates, times and availability.
Many of our Sailing Camps will be hosting Winter Reunions for their previous campers, and Winter Open Houses for interested new campers and families. Each camp is different, and some offer activities for the entire family.
Contact the camp(s) directly to see if there are any Camp Reunion or Open House Plans for February, 2025.
Looking for a Great Wisconsin Sailing Day Camp? Look at each camp's TYPE OF CAMP description. Many of our Best Wisconsin Day Sailing Camps also list their exact hours, and if they offer before and after camp activities.
Many of our Best Wisconsin Summer Sailing Camps also offer Year Round Sailing Camp Programs, Classes, and Activities. You should contact the camps you are interested in to see if they offer Fall, Winter and/or Spring Sailing Programs, too.
Searching for Wisconsin Sailing Camp Jobs? Many of our Best Sailing Camps are now listing their 2025 Winter Camp Jobs, too. Look for the heading "Summer Camp Jobs" in each camp listing. You can also check any camp's website for their "Work at Camp" or "Winter Employment Opportunities" pages.
View ALL WI Camps with Winter Work & Leadership Training Opportunities.
Visit Our Camp Ojibwa Website
4040 Ojibwa Dr.
Eagle River, Wisconsin 54521
1549 Arbor Highland Park, IL 60035
Watch Our Camp Ojibwa Video
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.
CAMPER GENDER(S): All Boy Campers.
Sailing, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Soccer, Tennis, Golf, Team Sports, Basketball, Baseball, Football, Weightloss, Wrestling, and more. Lacrosse, Zipline, Climbing Wall
CAMP LOCATION: we are located 5 hours north of Chicago in the northern woods of Wisconsin. Please visit our web site for a virtual tour and more information on Camp Ojibwa.
CAMP FACILITIES: We have 15 Cabins, a Mess/Dining Hall, a Rec Hall, 8 Softball/baseball diamonds, 6 Basketball Courts, 7 Tennis Courts, Huge Waterfront, 50' climbing wall, 900' zipline
CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Leadership, Coaching clinics for all staff
FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): After Camp Family Camp. 2 one week sessions.
Our Camp Website Link:
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Camp Ojibwa
Be sure to ask each Wisconsin Sailing Camp about the amount of sailing instruction and the overall intensity of their sailing program.
Some Top Wisconsin Sailing Camps offer rigorous daily sailing training and lots of intensive sailing experience. Other great Wisconsin Camps offer sailing as an elective or recreational activity with much less training and intensity.
Visit Our Crystalaire Adventures Website
(414) 803 7080
(231) 352 7589
Buena Road
Frankfort, Michigan 49635
Michigan, Wisconsin & Canada Adventure Trips
PO Box 1129
Frankfort, MI 49635
Watch Our Crystalaire Adventures Video
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Adventure-based programs
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
AFFILIATION(S): No religious affiliation
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Crystalaire Adventures is an adventure travel and education program in northern Michigan. We believe in offering playful, inclusive outdoor experiences in wild places that offer meaningful experiences. We are part of a larger coalition of programs that focus on designing fun and engaging social networks that let participants define and dictate the experience that they have. Rather than filling our trips with adult-developed programming, our participants get to help co-lead and create the experience on every trip.
SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: Please learn more about our ability to accommodate special needs on trips at: Our Camp Website Link:
Sailing, Adventure, Waterfront/Aquatics, Wilderness/Nature, Travel, and more. Canoe / Canoeing
Kayak / Kayaking
Climb / Climbing
Cave / Caving
Bike / Biking
Community Service
CAMP LOCATION: We operate out of Camp Lookout, alongside the Lake Michigan shoreline in Frankfort south of the Sleeping Bear Dunes. Our trips take place around the country and region, into the Upper Peninsula, and even into Canada.
▌Read More about Crystalaire Adventures
CAMP FACILITIES: Our philosophy is based around designing inclusive social groups that allow for participants to express themselves and have a say in the experience. Participants will set the schedule, control the route, and are given the freedom to develop their own games and activities while on our programs.
Participants will sleep in tents (excepting sailing programs, where accommodations are typically on the boats themselves). Participants will typically travel daily, learning to prepare their own meals on fires and camp stoves, setting up their own schedules, learning outdoor skills (survival skills, map and compass, etc...), and learning about group dynamics.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Crystalaire has been offering alternative outdoor adventure education experiences for almost a century. Our staff are highly trained, and will have lifeguarding and wilderness medicine certifications as well as prior experience. We believe in creating playful and inclusive trips in wild places that offer meaningful experiences for all participants. We consider each trip to be a "microsociety," and give our participants the chance to weigh in and decide how they want that "microsociety" to function, how they want people to be treated, and how they want group decisions to be made.
CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: 16 and 17 year old campers are welcome to join us on our Cojourn, a 3-week outdoor leadership intensive that focuses on our group management and social dynamics curriculum. More information can be found online.
18 - 21 year old applicants can join our Apprenticeship program for a 4-6 week intensive training in outdoor leadership. This is a paid internship.
CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: We provide scholarships based on your own assessment of your need. Let us know what help you need, we'll believe you and will do what we can to meet it.
FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Family Camps can be created using the Choose Your Own Adventure option.
YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: We plan trips year round, and are willing to work with you to plan a trip during a spring break, fall break, weekend, or other time of year. We also offer after school programs, can contribute to classroom curriculum or field trips, or can offer training and certifications throughout the year.
Trips vary widely, ranging from 2-days to 3-weeks. For a complete set of programs, go to Our Camp Website Link:
2015 trips include backpacking (2 days, 5 days, 2 weeks, 3 weeks), canoeing (2 weeks), community service (2 weeks), and sailing (1 week).
We also offer a "Choose Your Own Adventure" program, where groups of kids (or adults!) work with us to plan a trip specific to their needs.
We are currently accepting jobs for outdoor adventure guides. More information can be found at Our Camp Website Link:
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Crystalaire Adventures
Some Wisconsin Sailing Camps offer BOTH Day and Overnight Camp options. Be sure to check each camp's description under "TYPE OF CAMP" for complete information, and exact hours.
Some Wisconsin Sailing Day Camps also offer Extended Camp Hours for Early Camper Drop-Off and Pick Up. If you need these services, you should contact the camp to confirm availability.
Visit Our Camp Timberlane for Boys Website
520 477 7531
Woodruff, WI 54568
Camp Timberlane for Boys
PO Box 13430
Chicago IL, 60613
Watch Our Camp Timberlane for Boys Video
CAMPER AGES: ages 8-15
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp. We offer 2 four week sessions
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers. All Boy Campers.
AFFILIATION(S): Christian. Camp Timberlane is accredited through ACA - American Camping Association
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Camp Timberlane, located on Lake Towanda in Wisconsin’s beautiful north woods, is a warm family environment that is genuinely non-competitive, emphasizing fun, friendship, and skill development. We offer a full range of water and land-based activities, as well as canoeing, backpacking, and rock climbing wilderness trips for up to 12 days!!
Sailing, Adventure, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Wilderness/Nature, Fine Arts/Crafts, Music/Band, Dance, Theater, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Soccer, Tennis, Golf, Team Sports, Basketball, Volleyball, Gymnastics, Baseball, Football, Weightloss, and more. Wilderness Trips Program Including Canoeing, Backpacking, & Rock Climbing Trips From 3 – 12 Days Long
CAMP LOCATION: We are located on a 270 acre lake in the North Woods of Wisconsin just north of the small town of Minacqua.
▌Read More about Camp Timberlane for Boys
CAMP FACILITIES: please check out the 360 degree tour on our website for the best feel of our facilities. Our Camp Website Link:
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Timberlane is a place to be yourself, have fun, and make the best friends you'll ever have. In all aspects, our camp is genuinely non-competitive, meaning that we place the value of teamwork, sportsmanship, and fun waaaaay above all else. On the few occasions that we play games with other camps, we hold no tryouts! Anyone who wants to play is on the team and gets an equal amount of playing time.
Please visit our website for specific program dates, availability and rates at Our Camp Website Link: Thank you!
Camp Timberlane is an independent boys’ camp in the beautiful North Woods of Wisconsin, and we are looking for male and female activity instructors and counselors. Our site encompasses over 270 acres of land and we are situated on the beautiful shores of Lake Towanda. Campers come from all across the U.S. and their ages range from 8 - 15 years. Our two four-week sessions accommodate approximately 160 campers, about half of whom stay for all eight weeks.
Our philosophy and program are genuinely non-competitive, placing the importance of fun and friendship far above all else. Our broad range of activities includes water and land-based activities, crafts, and a substantial wilderness trips program. Our staff of 85 - 90 dedicated people benefits from great support and exceptional training from experts in the fields of recreation and child development. Camp Timberlane is a place to learn while also having fun and making lifelong friends.
We are looking for a mature, responsible, and organized person to help with our Swimming, Guitar, Archery, Riflery and Rock Climbing programs.You must be at least 21years old. You must have strong skills in one or more of the activities, you will also be a cabin counselor, which involves living and working alongside 2 other counselors with a cabin group of 8 - 12 campers.
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Camp Timberlane for Boys
Visit Our Camp Jorn YMCA Website
28 Red Feather Rd.
P.O. Box 430
Manitowish Waters, WI 54545
Watch Our Camp Jorn YMCA Video
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp.
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
Sailing, Adventure, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Wilderness/Nature, Horses/Equestrian, Soccer, Basketball, Volleyball, and more. Leadership Programs, Horsemanship, Waterskiing, Sailing, Archery, Riflery, Canoeing & Kayaking, Mountain Biking
CAMP LOCATION: Camp Jorn is located 25 miles North of Minocqua, WI. We are surrounded by the beautiful north-woods of the Northern Highland Forest, overlooking Rest Lake, in Manitowish Waters Wisconsin. Please visit our website to see photos!
▌Read More about Camp Jorn YMCA
CAMP FACILITIES: We are on a 75 acre peninsula property, tucked between the Northern Highland Forest. We have 9 cabins, 5 platform tents, and a Yurt village consisting of 4 Yurts. We also have our own island, that we like to use frequently. We have a health lodge, with two full time nurses and 2 larger staff lodges. Our dinning hall that can fit even our largest sessions. Swimming, Canoe, Sailing, & Waters-ski docks on our pristine Rest Lake. Craft barn, Archery & Riflery Ranges, Horse Arena & Stables, Amphitheater, Rec-square with basketball courts and playground.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Camp Jorn has been impacting the lives of children and families for 60 years now, starting in 1953. We believe that every child should get the chance to experience the benefits of summer camp. Our programs are based off of our five core values of Caring, Honesty, Respect, Responsibility, and Personal Growth and we incorporate those values in all camp activities. Camp Jorn offers a safe and supportive environment for children of all ages to enjoy the wonders of the outdoors and learn about themselves.
We offer unique 1 and 2 week sessions, as well as leadership programs for our older campers. We are ACA accredited. All of our staff is CPR & First Aid Certified. Many of our staff are Lifeguard Certified. Our specialty instructors are all certified and have extensive experience in their specialty.
CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: To learn more about our Leadership options and dates please go to: Our Camp Website Link:
CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: A camp experience provides unparalleled opportunities for positive youth development and it is our goal to make our programs available to all regardless of a family's ability to pay the full fee. We have a scholarship program in place to meet this need. For more information or to apply for a camp scholarship, please see our website. Our Camp Website Link:
FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): We have 2 weeks during the summer for our Family Camp sessions. The first is over 4th of July week, and the second is August 9 - 16. We also offer a Winter Camp session from Dec. 29-Jan. 2, for ages 12-16
YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Aside from resident camp we provide day camp and year round child care. we also host a winter camp session from Dec. 29 - Jan. 2, for ages 12-16. Our facilities are available for rentals large or small in the Spring, Winter, and Fall.
OTHER CAMP INFO: Camp Jorn YMCA has been helping children of all ages recognize and develop value in themselves and in the world around them since 1953. At Camp Jorn you will often hear the phrase "the magic of CJ," and those words may be the best way to describe what children walk away with after participating in our programs.
Camp is a place where children can come from all different backgrounds, be free of all outside influences, and learn about who they are and who they have the potential to be. A sailing class is not just a lesson how to sail, but how to work as a team, how to deal with challenges, how to persevere, and develop a real sense of pride in themselves & their accomplishments. We strongly believe that a camp experience has the ability to teach children in a way that they can't experience elsewhere.
We offer 1 & 2 week sessions beginning June 15- August 9. To see session dates and rates, please check out our website: Our Camp Website Link: To learn more about our Leadership options and dates please go to: Our Camp Website Link: To learn more about our TEVA program for 13-14 year olds, please view: Our Camp Website Link:
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Camp Jorn YMCA
Visit Our Camp Manitou Website
(715)836-8460 (winter-YMCA)
(715)967-2126 (summer-camp)
27960 137th Street
New Auburn, Wisconsin 54757
More than 6 months ago. Contact camp for the latest 2025 camp info.
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: Camp Wabi, an obesity camp for kids ages 10-14. This camp aims to help kids who struggle with obesity to make lifestyle changes necessary to achieve a healthy weight, all while in a fun, outdoor setting. Camp Wabi is a partnership between the Eau Claire YMCA and Mayo Clinic Health System. Along with experienced camp counselors, the camp team also includes specialists from Mayo with expertise in all aspects of weight management including nutrition, behavior therapy, psychology, pediatric medicine, and exercise physiology.
Sailing, Adventure, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Wilderness/Nature, Travel, Music/Band, Team Sports, Football, Weightloss, and more. Football, Water Ski, Sailing, Canoeing, Kayaking, Backpacking
CAMP LOCATION: We are located 45 minutes north of Eau Claire, WI, on 171 acres on the shores of beautiful Long Lake in Chippewa County. Surrounded by the Ice Age Trail, we provide a unique outdoor environment that is safe and educational.
CAMP FACILITIES: Campers live in rustic cabins and use the recreational facilities of our Main Lodge, waterfront area, athletic fields, outdoor basketball court, and the surrounding woodland. Campers are served nutritious and tasty meals in our dining hall,l while our chapel offers opportunities for worship in a beautiful outdoor setting.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Camp Manitou offers a variety of summer programs for youth from ages 8 � 18. Our full-week Main Camp sessions provide the majority of our registrations. Amongst the five (5) weeks per summer devoted to this age group of 8-12 year olds, campers learn skills, gain new interests, practice healthy habits, enjoy the outdoors, and make new friends!
Time is spent each day doing �hobbies,� which are specialized activities chosen by each camper on the first day of camp; spending time on the waterfront swimming, sailing, kayaking, paddleboating, or fishing; playing large group games and participating in all-camp activities; and spending time with old and new friends in cabin groups.
Mini Camp is a special camp for ages 8-10 that takes place for five (5) days instead of a full week in order to ease younger campers into the summer camp lifestyle more fluidly.
Teen Week is Camp Manitou�s other high-attendance camp session. Designed specifically for youth entering grades 8-10 after the summer, Teen Weeks combine all the tradition and fun of Main Camp with exciting opportunities for leadership and adventure through specialized activities and events.
Camp Manitou boasts a successful adventure tripping program which sends group of six to twelve campers ages 13 to 18 out with two experienced guides all across the state to participate in various trip sessions. From canoeing to sailing to kayaking to backpacking and more, these trips not only provide for valuable lessons in outdoor skills but also teach important lessons of leadership, teamwork, self-reliance, and confidence.
Additionally, Camp Manitou offers a variety of specialty camps aimed at campers with specific interests. For 2013, Camp Manitou is offering a Water Ski Camp, Manitou Music Week, USA Football FUNdamentals camp, and an in-house sailing camp on lower Long Lake, along with Teen Leadership weeks for both boys and girls.
CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Teen Leadership weeks for both boys and girls. Teen Weeks combine all the tradition and fun of Main Camp with exciting opportunities for leadership and adventure through specialized activities and events.
OTHER CAMP INFO: Please see our website Our Camp Website Link: for more information!
MAIN CAMP (for campers age 8 � entering grade 7)
Session 1: June 16 � June 22, 2013
Session 3: June 23 � June 29, 2013
Session 4: June 30 - July 6, 2013
Session 5: July 14 � July 20, 2013
Session 6: July 28 � August 3, 2013
MINI CAMP (for campers ages 8-10)
Session 2a: June 18 � June 22. 2013
Session 2b: June 25 � June 29, 2013
TEEN WEEK (for campers entering grades 8-10)
Session 1: July 7 � July 13, 2013
Session 2: July 21 � July 27, 2013
TEEN LEADERSHIP WEEK (for campers entering grades 8-10)
Session 1 (Girls): June 16 � June 22, 2013
Session 2 (Boys): June 23 � June 29, 2013
Peshtigo River Canoe Trip (for campers entering grades 8-12): June 16 � June 22, 2013
Brule Canoe Trip (for campers entering grades 8-12): June 23 � June 29, 2013
Extreme Camp (for campers entering grades 9-12): June 30 - July 6, 2013
Apostle Island Sailing Trip (for campers entering grades 8-12): July 7 � July 13, 2013
Apostle Island Sea Kayaking Trip (for campers entering grades 8-12): July 14 � July 20, 2013
Boundary Waters Canoe Trip (for campers entering grades 9-12): July 21 � July 27, 2013
Isle Royale Backpacking Trip (for campers entering grades 9-12): July 28 � August 3, 2013
Family Camp (for all ages, with adult): June 7 � June 9, 2013
Water Ski Camp (for campers ages 8-13): June 7 � June 9, 2013
Manitou Music Week (for campers entering grades 8-12): June 16 � June 22, 2013
USA Football FUNdamentals Session A (for campers entering grades 5 & 6): June 16 � June 19, 2013
USA Football FUNdamentals Session B (for campers entering grades 7 & 8): June 19 � June 22, 2013
Sailing Camp (for campers ages 10-16): June 30 - July 6, 2013
Camp Wabi (for campers ages 10-14): August 4-16, 2013
�Great Escape� Women�s Wellness Camp (for women ages 21 and up): August 17 � August 20, 2013
Monster Lake Swim (for ages 14 and up): July 14, 2013
Please see our website for camp descriptions, fees, and availability!
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Camp Manitou
Visit Our Camp Interlaken JCC Website
7050 Old Highway 70
Eagle River, WI 54521
Watch Our Camp Interlaken JCC Video
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
Sailing, Adventure, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Wilderness/Nature, Fine Arts/Crafts, Music/Band, Dance, Theater, Musical Theater, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Soccer, Tennis, Golf, Team Sports, Basketball, Gymnastics, Baseball, Football, Weightloss, and more. Disc Golf
Ultimate Frisbee
CAMP LOCATION: We are located on 106 beautiful acres in Wisconsin's North Woods. We are situated around the beautiful 125 acre Lake Finley. Please visit our website for videos!
▌Read More about Camp Interlaken JCC
CAMP FACILITIES: 23 cabins, teen village, brand new swimming pool, tennis courts, basketball courts, theater with professional lighting and sound, beautiful lakefront with skiing, windsurfing, and more.
CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Ozrim Program - Leadership Program - for incoming 12th Grade Campers.
Please visit: Our Camp Website Link:
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Camp Interlaken JCC
Visit Our Wesley Woods Website
250 Stam Street
Williams Bay, Wisconsin 53119
250 Stam Street
Williams Bay, WI 53191
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Open year round.
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers. All Boy Campers. All Girl Campers.
AFFILIATION(S): Christian.
We are available and equipped to assist with special needs camps.
Sailing, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, and more.
CAMP LOCATION: We are located in Williams Bay WI on the shores of beautiful Geneva Lake.
One hour from Milwaukee and 1.5 hours from Chicago/metro areas.
CAMP FACILITIES: Wesley Woods has accommodations for up to 300 people.
Surrounded by nature on a quiet lakeshore location, Wesley Woods has 7 lodges that can house from 6 to 96 and 15 rustic cabins that sleep 6-8 persons per unit.
All of our lodges are fully equipped with kitchens, dining area and meeting space. From 2 bedrooms to 12 bedrooms and in between, we can find the perfect lodging for your stay.
Our dining hall seats 200 at a time. We serve delicious breakfast lunch and dinner buffets at a reasonable price.
Kayaks, canoes and sunfish are available as well as beach volleyball, basketball courts and an archery range.
Swimming and beach activities are always a great time!
FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): The possibilities are endless!
Ski Camp
YWCA camp
Jack/Jill of all trades.
Wesley Woods has a few openings for summer 2015.
Lifeguard certified. Housekeeping. Counselors etc.
Your job will never be boring as you rotate watching the swimmers, helping with housekeeping, acting as counselors for various camps or minor maintenance.
Contact deb[AT]
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Wesley Woods
Visit Our WeHaKee Camp for Girls Website
N8104 Barker Lake Road
Winter, WI 54896
Administrative Office 715 28th Street, South,
La Crosse, Wisconsin 54601
Watch Our WeHaKee Camp for Girls Video
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.
CAMPER GENDER(S): All Girl Campers.
AFFILIATION(S): Christian. Catholic - camp is owned & operated by the Dominicans of Sinsinawa
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: At the Heart of WeHaKee is Relationship. WeHaKee Camp for Girls is all about helping each girl develop strong, positive, lifelong relationships with girls from across the United States and throughout the world.
Sailing, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Wilderness/Nature, Academics, Horses/Equestrian, Fine Arts/Crafts, Music/Band, Dance, Theater, Musical Theater, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Soccer, Tennis, Team Sports, Basketball, Volleyball, Cheerleading, and more. We Offer Academic Tutoring To Help Reduce Summer Learning Loss.
CAMP LOCATION: WeHaKee is located in the pristine Hayward Lakes Region in northwest Wisconsin. We are situated on Hunter Lake at the base of the Chequamagon National Forest. Please visit our website for lots of WeHaKee info!
▌Read More about WeHaKee Camp for Girls
CAMP FACILITIES: WeHaKee offers 14 newly renovated, spacious cabins, heated swimming pool, professional tennis courts, horseback riding ring & private bridal trails, a beautiful log-hewn dining hall, ultra-modern restroom & individual shower facilities, beautiful waterfront ideal for swimming, boating and skiing.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: At the Heart of WeHaKee is Relationship! For over 95 years, we have been very intentional in providing each girl with an immediate sense of belonging so that she feels comfortable making new friends from around the world, trying new & exciting activities, and growing in ways she never imagined. WeHaKee parents report that their daughters return home with increased independence and confidence.
Girls design their own program by selecting from nearly 40 activity choices to create a program of new activities along with old favorites. Girls attend WeHaKee from around the nation and thorughout the world from countries such as Russia, Bahrain, France, England, Mexico, Colombia, Germany and more!
CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: WeHaKee Leadership Academy - We are extremely excited to again offer the WeHaKee Leadership Academy in Summer, 2017! This program offers three levels exclusively for teen girls who have completed the 9th, 10th or 11th grades by this coming summer and are looking to take the next step from Camper to Leader.
CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Contact our Administrative Office for financial assistance information
FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Family Camp & Mother/Daughter Camp
We offer 2, 4 and 6 week sessions from June 18, 2018 through August 3, 2018. We also offer a comprehensive leadership experience for teens in our highly regarded WeHaKee Leadership Academy. And we also offer FAMILY CAMP & MOTHER/DAUGHTER CAMP! Visit our website for more information!
Camp Counselors/Activity Leaders - work with girls ages 7-17 in a cabin setting as well as in activities (sports, aquatics, performing arts, arts & crafts, pottery, horseback riding, and more). Contact Maggie Braun at Maggie[AT], 800-582-2267 or click on the Staff tab on our website at Our Camp Website Link:
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WeHaKee Camp for Girls
Visit Our Camp Horseshoe Website
4151 Camp Bryn Afon Road
Rhinelander, Wisconsin 54501
Watch Our Camp Horseshoe Video
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.
CAMPER GENDER(S): All Boy Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Horseshoe is a spirited, sports-oriented camp that emphasizes participation, healthy competition and a well-rounded summer experience.
Sailing, Adventure, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Wilderness/Nature, Soccer, Tennis, Golf, Team Sports, Basketball, Volleyball, Baseball, Football, Wrestling, and more.
CAMP LOCATION: Camp Horseshoe is located in northwestern Wisconsin, in a small town called Rhinelander. Rhinelander is 6 hours north of Chicago, 5 hours from Milwaukee, 3 hours from Madison, and 4 hours from Minneapolis.
Camp Horseshoe's gorgeous 140 acre Northwoods facility is alive with the sounds of boys cheering, screen-doors shutting and horseshoes clanging. It is a place full of roots and memories; it is our home. Among the finest summer camp sites in the country, our all new state-of-the-art campus offers every athletic, adventure and waterfront activity under the sun.
▌Read More about Camp Horseshoe
CAMP FACILITIES: Camp Horseshoe's gorgeous 140 acre Northwoods facility is alive with the sounds of boys cheering, screen-doors shutting and horseshoes clanging. It is a place full of roots and memories; it is our home. Among the finest summer camp sites in the country, our all new state-of-the-art campus offers every athletic, adventure and waterfront activity under the sun.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Nurturing individuality, cultivating teamwork—these goals are at the heart of each day at Camp Horseshoe. Horseshoe is a spirited, sports-oriented camp that emphasizes participation, healthy competition and a well-rounded summer experience. All elements of our program are infused with boundless energy and the highest quality instruction and activities.
Horseshoe boys are encouraged to branch out and explore individual interests throughout the summer. Through Morning Clubs, each camper builds a customized schedule of outdoor adventure, athletics, and waterfront activities. Afternoons at Horseshoe are all about being part of a team. Daily sports league play lets campers thrive in an atmosphere where sportsmanship, teamwork and appropriate competition make every game rewarding. Horseshoe’s innovate trip program sets us apart. As our boys canoe magnificent rivers, cook over an open fire, and sleep beneath the stars, they expand their world and create deeper bonds with camp brothers.
Our Camp Website Link:
Our phenomenal staff members are the heart and soul of a successful Horseshoe summer. Coaching, mentoring, and taking the best care of campers is their crucial work. As part of the Camp Horseshoe family, you will have a chance to teach campers important life skills, while making friends from around the world and creating memories that last a lifetime.
There are several types of staff positions at Horseshoe. Although the responsibilities vary, each position is equally important, and camp could not function without the talented and hardworking individuals who serve in these roles.
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Camp Horseshoe
Visit Our Girl Scouts of Greater Chicago and Northwest Indiana Summer Camps Website
20 S Clark St., Suite 200
Locations in Illinois, Indiana & Wisconsin
Chicago, Illinois 60603
Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp.
CAMPER GENDER(S): All Girl Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Summer day camp at GCNWI provides an opportunity for girls to meet new friends, learn outdoor skills, and grow in her courage, confidence, and character in a safe environment. She will have fun in the sun playing games, singing songs, and maybe even getting a little messy in the great outdoors!
Sailing, Adventure, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Wilderness/Nature, Travel, Science, Technology, and more.
CAMP LOCATION: Girl Scouts of Greater Chicago and Northwest Indiana offers outdoor programming at four camps and three gathering places!
GCNWI camps are located across three states in Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin.
Illinois: Camp Greene Wood and Camp Palos
Indiana: Camp Butternut Springs
Wisconsin: Camp Juniper Knoll
▌Read More about Girl Scouts of Greater Chicago and Northwest Indiana Summer Camps
Camp has a huge impact on girls through a supportive community. Are you up to the challenge to build that community? We are seeking hard-working, positive, enthusiastic, and caring adults ages 18+ to fill counselor and leadership positions at all of our camp locations. Apply online!
Our Camp Website Link:
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Girl Scouts of Greater Chicago and Northwest Indiana Summer Camps
Visit Our Chippewa Ranch Camp Website
8258 County Hwy O
Eagle River, Wisconsin 54521
1402 Sheridan Road
Highland Park, IL 60035
Watch Our Chippewa Ranch Camp Video
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.
CAMPER GENDER(S): All Girl Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Chippewa Ranch Camp has a strong program that has been around since 1946. We have campers from all over the U.S. and Mexico and staff from all over the world. We are focused around friendship building and the youth development of independence. We offer activities that range from an extensive waterfront, to a 50 foot climbing wall with 300 foot zipline, to horseback riding, arts and sports.
Sailing, Adventure, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Wilderness/Nature, Travel, Horses/Equestrian, Fine Arts/Crafts, Dance, Theater, Musical Theater, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Soccer, Tennis, Basketball, and more. Climbing Wall
High Ropes Course
Wilderness Trip Program
Culinary Arts
CAMP LOCATION: We are located in the beautiful Northwoods of Wisconsin on fifty acres of land. Please visit our website for lots of camp photos and videos.
▌Read More about Chippewa Ranch Camp
CAMP FACILITIES: We are on a beautiful lake and have fifteen camper cabins (with bathrooms attached). Our facilities are all newly renovated and well maintained.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Chippewa provides purposeful experiences and rich tradition to build integrity, independence, resilience, and friendships that will last a lifetime.
We have about 115 staff for our 200 campers and all our well-trained. All those working on the waterfront are Red Cross Lifeguard certified, all trip staff are Wilderness First Responder trained and all program staff are trained and certified on our equipment.
CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: We have a fantastic CIT program for our 16 year-old campers who were campers at camp as 15 year-olds. They will get hands-on training throughout the summer.
FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): For family camp info.please visit: Our Camp Website Link:
For complete info, please visit: Our Camp Website Link:
For summer jobs, please visit: Our Camp Website Link:
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Chippewa Ranch Camp
Visit Our Camp Young Judaea Midwest Website
Winter: 224-235-4665
Summer: 715-258-2288
e989 Stratton Lake Road
Waupaca, Wisconsin 54981
60 Revere Dr. Suite 800
Northbrook, IL. 60062
Watch Our Camp Young Judaea Midwest Video
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Located in Central Wisconsin, Camp Young Judaea Midwest has provided a Jewish camp experience for children in grades 2-9 for over 50 years. Our beautiful 80-acre lakefront property offers the opportunity to explore, take on new challenges and make friendships that last a lifetime. We offer an elective based camp program featuring water skiing & tubing, archery, a high ropes course, arts, soccer, sailing, nature, drama, basketball, digital media, a maker’s space, swimming, field trips, a zip line and much more.
Sailing, Adventure, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Horses/Equestrian, Fine Arts/Crafts, Dance, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Soccer, Tennis, Basketball, Volleyball, Baseball, and more. Scouts, Climbing, Biking, Archery, Disc Golf, Field Trips
CAMP LOCATION: Located 3.5 hours from Chicago, IL, Camp Young Judaea Midwest is located on Lake Stratton in Waupaca, Wisconsin, surrounded by trees, nature trails and protected wetlands.
▌Read More about Camp Young Judaea Midwest
CAMP FACILITIES: The 80+ acre campsite includes a spacious dining hall (Chadar Ochel), kosher kitchen, an air-conditioned recreation hall (Beit Am), and 20 acres of waterfront property that includes water skiing, tubing, kayaking, sailing, canoeing, and swimming.
Our sports facilities include two basketball courts, softball diamond, soccer fields, two tennis courts, an archery range, and a ropes course with a 41-foot climbing tower and 300 foot zip line.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: CYJ is not affiliated with any particular stream of Judaism. Our goal is to provide our campers with the tools to make choices about their Jewish Identity and connection to Israel. Our campers and staff come from a broad spectrum of backgrounds in Jewish beliefs and practices. We have our own Siddur (prayer book) and our own traditions when it comes to observance. The backgrounds of our campers range from those that haven’t had much exposure to Judaism in their communities, to those that identify themselves as Orthodox. Our kitchen is Kosher, with certification and oversight from Kosher Supervisors of Wisconsin. We aim to create a sense of K’lal Yisrael, unity among the Jewish people, starting with the community we create at camp.
CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: The CIT Program at CYJ Midwest allows participants to enjoy a summer at camp while learning new skills to help you develop as Jewish leaders in and out of the camp environment and to leave a lasting impact on campers and staff alike.
CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: We understand that summer camp is a huge financial commitment. Camp Young Judaea Midwest is committed to working with each family to ensure that no child is turned away due to financial difficulties. If you are in need of tuition assistance, please follow the steps listed below to help make the process easier and as smooth as possible.
Visit Our Camp Website Link:
FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): We will be offering Family Camp on August 13-16, 2020
YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: We plan year-round events all over the Chicago area and beyond where we have current families. Please visit Our Camp Website Link: for more information about where we'll be in a shared Google calendar.
OTHER CAMP INFO: American Camp Association Certified
Visit Our Camp Website Link:
Are you interested in being a part of the CYJ Midwest family? We’re looking for creative, energetic, caring people to fill a variety of positions at camp this summer. For more information on how you could spend your summer making a difference in the life of a child, please email info[AT]
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Camp Young Judaea Midwest
Visit Our Silver Birch Ranch Website
N6120 Sawyer Lake Road
White Lake, WI 54491
Watch Our Silver Birch Ranch Video
CAMPER AGES: 1 - 101
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
AFFILIATION(S): Christian.
Sailing, Adventure, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Wilderness/Nature, Horses/Equestrian, Tennis, and more. Canadian Adventure Camp.
CAMP LOCATION: 100 acres in the Nicolet National Forest approximately 1.5 hours northwest of Green Bay, Wisconsin. Main campus is on Sawyer Lake, with another campus on the Wolf River. A third campus is located north of Sault St. Marie, Ontario, Canada.
▌Read More about Silver Birch Ranch
CAMP FACILITIES: water skiing/tubing, horses in the national forest, rafting/tubing down the Wolf River, outdoor basketball courts, tennis courts, pristine lake for swimming, dining hall that feeds 400.
CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Scholarships available to youths.
FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): 4 family camp sessions offered during the summer months and 1 winter family camp session.
YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Internships and 1 year Bible College.
OTHER CAMP INFO: Silver Birch Ranch has been serving our nation through Christian Camping since 1968. Our full time (We are a year 'round facility) staff has averages 20 years experience.
Our location at the edge of Sawyer Lake and the Nicolet National Forest gives us an ideal location for water sports and places to travel on horses, cross country skiing in the winter, etc.
There are no extra fees for the activities unless it involves consumable materials. (crafts, paintball, etc.)
See website for session and registration information.
Visit: Our Camp Website Link:
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Silver Birch Ranch
Visit Our One Step Programs Website
300 Conference Point Road
Williams Bay, Wisconsin 53191
Park City, Utah
Springfield, Illinois
Chicago, Illinois
Washington DC
Walworth, Wisconsin
Charlotte, North Carolina
Mauston, Wisconsin
213 W. Institute Pl. Suite 511
Chicago, Illinois 60610
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp. 3-day, up to two-week long programs
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: We are an organization that provides programs to help campers with the special medical needs that they may have as a result of treatment for cancer.
SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: We are an organization that provides programs to help campers with the special medical needs that they may have as a result of treatment for cancer.
Sailing, Adventure, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Wilderness/Nature, Horses/Equestrian, Fine Arts/Crafts, Dance, Golf, Basketball, Baseball, and more.
CAMP LOCATION: Our main program is located on the the beachfront of Lake Geneva, approximately 1 hour from Milwaukee, and 1 1/2 hours Northwest of Chicago, Ill.
▌Read More about One Step Programs
CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: While we only ask parents for 10% of the cost, for a camper to attend a program, we offer partial or full camperships for families who may not be able to afford the tuition for a program.
FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): We have a Brain Tumor Family Camp that is specifically designed for families with a child with a Brain Tumor diagnosis, and/or a Brain Tumor Survivor.
In addition, we have out "general" Family Camp for families with a child that has a cancer diagnosis, and/or are a survivor.
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One Step Programs
Visit Our Camp Marimeta for Girls Website
Summer: 715-479-9990
Winter: 847-970-4386
3782 Gaffney Drive
Eagle River, Wisconsin 54521
501 Lakeview Drive
Mundelein, IL 60060
Watch Our Camp Marimeta for Girls Video
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.
CAMPER GENDER(S): All Girl Campers.
Sailing, Adventure, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Wilderness/Nature, Horses/Equestrian, Fine Arts/Crafts, Dance, Theater, Musical Theater, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Soccer, Tennis, Golf, Team Sports, Basketball, Volleyball, Gymnastics, Cheerleading, and more. All Land Sports Including Softball, Volleyball, Field Hockey, Kickball, Field Hockey, Lacrosse, Gymnastics, Climlbing Wall, High Ropes Challenge Course With Zip Line, Camping Out, Archery, Riflery, Cooking & Much Much More!
CAMP LOCATION: Outside of Eagle River, Wisconsin. Located on a gorgeous private 200 Acre Lake! Marimeta is more than a camp, it's a feeling! 95% return rate minimum each summer!
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CAMP FACILITIES: Modern Cabins with hot and cold running water, heat Electricity, Fabulous Food, Lighted Tennis and Basketball Courts, Amazing High Ropes Course, Professional Tennis instruction. Expert instruction in all activities!
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: All of our staff are certified in CPR. All waterfront staff are lifeguard certified. We've been here for over 67 years! 3rd generation family owned! ACA Accredited. Marimeta is all about building camper self image through the activities and special events that we do! Marimeta is more than a camp, it's a feeling!
CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: CIA program for 16 year old campers. It's a Camper in Action leadership training program.
FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Family Post Season Immediately following end of camp.
Please refer to our website for dates and rates and so much more!
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Camp Marimeta for Girls
Visit Our Camp Eagle Ridge Website
75392 Lake Galilee Rd.
Mellen, WI 54546
811 Black Squirrel Ct., Hubertus, WI 53033
Watch Our Camp Eagle Ridge Video
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: At Camp Eagle Ridge, we help young people become solution finders and social navigators, so that they become successful adults. Our mission is to develop strong leaders, healthy living skills, and a sense of community responsibility.
Sailing, Adventure, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Wilderness/Nature, Academics, Fine Arts/Crafts, Dance, Soccer, Tennis, Golf, Team Sports, Basketball, Volleyball, Gymnastics, Martial Arts, Football, Wrestling, and more. Leadership
CAMP LOCATION: Camp Eagle Ridge is located in the northwoods of Wisconsin, 30 miles south of Lake Superior and the Apostle Islands. We are on 55 acres on Lake Galilee surrounded by beautiful pine trees. Please visit our website for a "camp tour"!
▌Read More about Camp Eagle Ridge
CAMP FACILITIES: Our campers stay in log cabins with a centrally located, modern shower house and bathroom facility. In 2019, we opened our brand new lodge and dining hall! Outdoor basketball and tennis court. Archery range. Recreation Hall. Health Center. Sand volleyball court. Gaga pit.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: At Camp Eagle Ridge, we help young people become solution finders and social navigators, so that they become successful adults. Camp Eagle Ridge is a boys and girls summer leadership camp located in Mellen, Wisconsin. Our mission is to develop strong leaders, healthy living skills, and a sense of community responsibility.
We combine a traditional summer camp experience with a focus on leadership, decision making and achieving your personal best! On March 9, 2013, Camp Eagle Ridge was honored with the Marcy & Bob Brower Award! It was presented to us at the Mid States Camping Conference. The award honors a camp or individual that is dedicated to lifelong learning and the education that comes from exposure to ideas and the common purpose of helping camps in the development of children and adults.
We also been given the Award of Excellence for our Food Program!
CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: We combine a traditional summer camp experience with a focus on leadership, decision making and achieving your personal best!
CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Scholarship applications are available through Our Camp Website Link:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 week sessions available. Our 2020 sessions run from June 21 - August 8. $945 per week
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Camp Eagle Ridge
Visit Our Camp Nicolet Website
Eagle River, WI 54521
P.O. Box 1359
Eagle River, WI 54521
Watch Our Camp Nicolet Video
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. 1, 3, 4, 5 & 8 weeks.
CAMPER GENDER(S): All Girl Campers.
AFFILIATION(S): Nicolet is a private, non-denominational camp that is family-owned and operated.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Camp Nicolet is a family-owned, all-girls overnight camp in Wisconsin's beautiful northwoods. Campers from the USA and abroad enjoy many exciting activities through our free-choice program, such as waterskiing, horseback riding, sailing, and more! Outdoor wilderness trips led by professional staff compliment the program. Camp Nicolet is accredited by the American Camp Association. Join us this summer and catch the Nicolet spirit!
Sailing, Adventure, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Wilderness/Nature, Science, Horses/Equestrian, Fine Arts/Crafts, Music/Band, Dance, Theater, Musical Theater, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Soccer, Tennis, Team Sports, Basketball, Volleyball, Gymnastics, Weightloss, and more. Wakeboarding, Wakesurfing, Stand-up-paddling, Kayaking, Windsurfing, SCUBA, Yoga, Softball, Archery, Mountain Biking, Trampball, Mad Scientist, Hiking, Nicolet News, Podcasting.
CAMP LOCATION: We are located in the heart of the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest, 12 miles east of Eagle River in Wisconsin's beautiful northwoods. Camp is nestled along 2 miles of natural sand beach on the north end of Franklin Lake. Please see our website to take a virtual tour.
CAMP FACILITIES: Nicolet has 10 modern camper cabins with bathrooms and fireplaces, a beautiful waterfront for swimming and small craft, a water ski/wakeboard pavilion with 3 Ski Nautiques and a Moomba Mobias wakeboard boat, a regulation slalom course, 4 tennis courts, a dining hall, recreation lodge with theater, crafts room, a soccer field, lacrosse field, gaga pit, trampball area, archery range, stable area with 3 instructional rings and miles of trails for trail riding and mountain biking, a Leadership Center, 40 acres of private wilderness camp sites, infirmary, library, shower house, and boathouse.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Camp Nicolet offers campers a full-choice program in which they have the power to decide which activities they would like to take each week. Activity options include: swimming, sailing, canoeing, kayaking, stand-up-paddling, windsurfing, water skiing, wakeboarding, horseback riding, tennis, land sports of all kinds, arts and crafts, yoga, SCUBA, competitive 3-event water skiing, musical theater, radio/podcasting, and much more. Outdoor adventure opportunities via Nicolet's tripping program, Northpoint Adventures ( include sea kayaking, backpacking, rock climbing, canoeing. Please see our website for more information.
CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Our Leadership Program is a progressive, three season program consisting of Advanced Camper, Counselor-in-Training I and Counselor-in-Training II levels. Each step of the program includes personal skill advancement, assistant teaching opportunities, in-service sessions, leadership opportunities, and camp visitations.
CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Partial camperships are available through the Camp Nicolet Foundation. Please request an application from the camp office.
FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): One week of Family Camp following our regular camp sessions. Please refer to our website for more detailed information.
OTHER CAMP INFO: Family-owned and operated, Camp Nicolet for Girls was founded in 1944 by Ann and Wendall Schrader. For more than five decades, the Schraders were leaders in the field of camping and dedicated themselves to providing one of the finest camping programs and facilities in the country - a place where campers learn to live together in friendship and harmony. Continuing the family tradition, Georgianna Schrader Starz and son, Jeremy, now oversee the year-round operation of camp. It is our goal that through the many new adventures and opportunities at Nicolet, each camper will return home with a feeling of accomplishment and self-confidence. Exciting activities, friendship, camp spirit, and a sense of family make a summer at Camp Nicolet very special.
1, 3, 4, 5, & 8 week sessions available. Please see our website for current details, dates, and fees.
Summer Staff Needed:
Cabin Counselors/Activity Instructors
Nurse (RN required)
Office Manager
Social Media Coordinator
Leadership Program Advisor
Activity Area Directors
Riding Assistant
Kitchen Assistants
Please see our website for a complete description of job opportunities.
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Camp Nicolet
Visit Our Herzl Camp Website
7260 Mickey Smith Parkway
Webster, Wisconsin 54893
4330 Cedar Lake Road South
Minneapolis, MN 55416
Watch Our Herzl Camp Video
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
Herzl Camp is a welcoming, independent camp where young people become self-reliant, create lasting Jewish friendships, and develop commitment and love for Judaism and Israel. Herzl Camp creates a vibrant Jewish community of future leaders.
SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: At Herzl Camp, we strive to include all Jewish youth. Thanks to our recent capital campaign, our camp is fully accessible for campers with physical challenges. Campers with cognitive or emotional challenges are also welcomed into our camp program. Campers with special diets or other health considerations can often succeed at camp, too.
Sailing, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Wilderness/Nature, Fine Arts/Crafts, Theater, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Soccer, Tennis, Basketball, Volleyball, Baseball, Weightloss, and more.
CAMP LOCATION: We are located on beautiful Devil's Lake in NW Wisconsin. Please visit our website for camp photos and videos.
CAMP FACILITIES: We have 24 cabins, a multi purpose Chadar, indoor/outdoor basketball courts, Ulam (theater), and magnificent beach. In 2013, we completed our Beit Ruach, a brand-new 12,000 sq. ft. gym with amazing spaces for dance and yoga besides 2 basketball courts, another new Haks (showerhouse), a new building to added to Amanut (arts and crafts), a bigger and better Marpeah (infirmary), and some new staff housing for professional staff like our new Rabbi.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Located on 120 acres in Webster, WI on the shores of Devils Lake, Herzl Camp is accredited with the American Camping Association and offers summers filled with friendship and fun! Just 2 hours north of the Twin Cities, campers and staff come from Minnesota, Kansas, Iowa, Nebraska, Missouri, Colorado, Indiana, Tennessee, Canada, Israel, Hawaii and beyond to try something new and to take part in long-standing Herzl traditions.
Explore our website to learn more about our camp, and then call us to discuss your child’s interests. We’re looking forward to getting to know you.
Health & Safety
Herzl Camp provides medical coverage 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at camp with full-time nurses and doctors. Our Marpeah (Health Center) staff care for all routine health issues at camp without charge. Emergency services are provided at nearby Burnett County Medical Center, a fully-equipped trauma center. Campers who take medications regularly must receive their prescriptions through our specialty prescription service.
We serve three healthy, nutritious kosher meals and a Nosh (snack) each day. Whole grains, fresh veggies and ripe fruit are on the menu for every meal. Meals are served family-style with vegetarian options for all meals.
Judaics at Camp
As an independent, pluralistic camp, we’ve created uniquely "Herzl" Jewish programming and education, including daily Limmudim or T'fillot. Shabbat services are led by a different camper program each week with guidance from our Chinuch staff. At Herzl Camp, Conservative, Reconstructionist, Reform, and Modern Orthodox children pray and learn together daily.
Shabbat is a restful time at Herzl and rich with tradition. We dress in white and welcome Shabbat with song and a caravan to services. Candles are lit. Hands are washed. Kiddush. Motzi. A delicious meal followed by Birkat and singing. The Torah is read every week. Throughout Shabbat, we alter our activities to make the day more restful, more reverent, and different from the rest of the week. Shabbat ends with the entire camp participating in Havdala together.
CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Herzl Camp Financial Aid - Through generous donations from our friends and alumni, Herzl Camp offers need-based financial aid. If your child wants to be at camp, we’ll work with you to make it happen. Fill out our short application and return it to us with the supporting documentation by February 15. To preserve your privacy, applications are reviewed in an anonymous process.
FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Family Camp (all ages) August 8-12
Family Camp weekend is a meaningful vacation for families, parents and grandparents. Family Camp’s relaxed atmosphere provides a unique opportunity to share the magic of Herzl Camp as a family. It is a perfect way to introduce future campers to the Herzl experience, a chance for current campers to introduce their parent(s) to Herzl Camp and a way for all families to experience Jewish camping together.
Taste (3rd-4th grade) July 9-July 15
Noar (4th & 5th grade) June 18-July 1
Tzofim (7th & 8th grade) June 18-July 8
Teva Adventure (7th & 8th grade) July 9-July 15
Herzl Ultimate (5th-8th grad) July 9-July 15
Teva Trek (10th & 11th grade) June 18-July 8
Ha'atid Aleph (5th & 6th grade) June 18-July 8
B'yachad (10th & 11th grade) June 26-August 7
Kadimah (9th grade) July 3-August 7
Ha'atid Bet (5th & 6th grade) July 17-August 7
Yesod (7th grade) July 17-August 7
Habonim (8th grade) July 17-August 7
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Herzl Camp
Visit Our Girl Scouts of the Northwestern Great Lakes Camps Website
W5860 Olivotti Lake Rd
Irma, Wisconsin 54442
Kaukauna, Wisconsin
4693 N Lynndale Dr
Appleton, WI 54913
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp.
CAMPER GENDER(S): All Girl Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Camp Birch Trails is our overnight resident camp north of Wausau, Wisconsin where staff live on-site during the summer. We offer a back to basics summer camp with arts & crafts, boating, swimming, and eating s’mores around the fire and field trip programs that go horseback riding, zip-lining, and tubing.
Camp Winnecomac is our day camp, a hidden gem surrounded by trails of the 1,000 Island Nature Preserve in Kaukauna, Wisconsin, Camp Winnecomac offers an expansive, versatile property in a secluded setting within the city. Winnecomac offers two lodge buildings, a shower house, screened unit shelters with campfire rings, yurts and tent-cabins, and a large playfield area. We also offer Archery and a low ropes team-building course for campers to use.
SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: Girl Scouts of the Northwestern Great Lakes is proud to be part of an organization that has a 100 year + history of being welcoming and inclusive. Our policies of inclusion align with those of our national organization, Girl Scouts of the USA. We value diversity and inclusivity and do not discriminate or recruit on the basis of race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, national origin, or physical or developmental disability. Through our programming, called the Girl Scout Leadership Experience, girls develop skills to advance diversity and promote tolerance in the twenty-first century.
Sailing, Adventure, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Wilderness/Nature, Travel, Science, Math, Technology, Horses/Equestrian, and more.
CAMP LOCATION: Camp Birch Trails, Irma, Wisconsin
Surrounding Lake Olivotti, Camp Birch Trails (CBT) is GSNWGL’s largest camp. CBT features a main lodge, platform tents, cabins, yurts, a large dining hall, and a swimming area with a sandy beachfront and large dock.
Camp Winnecomac, Kaukauna, Wisconsin
A hidden gem surrounded by trails of the 1,000 Island Nature Preserve, Camp Winnecomac offers an expansive, versatile property in a secluded setting. With excellent hiking and groomed cross-country skiing trails, two main lodges, tent cabins, yurts, and unit shelters, this is the ideal choice for those in the nearby Fox Valley and Green Bay metro area.
▌Read More about Girl Scouts of the Northwestern Great Lakes Camps
Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.
We Are Girl Scouts.
Girl Scouts bring their dreams to life and work together to build a better world.
Through programs from coast to coast, Girl Scouts of all backgrounds and abilities can be unapologetically themselves as they discover their strengths and rise to meet new challenges—whether they want to climb to the top of a tree or the top of their class, lace up their boots for a hike or advocate for climate justice, or make their first best friends.
Backed by trusted adult volunteers, mentors, and millions of alums, Girl Scouts lead the way as they find their voices and make changes that affect the issues most important to them.
Our Camp Website Link:
Camp staff work a daily schedule with occasional overnights with their campers.
Interested in becoming a Wilderness Trip Leader? You can lead girls on canoeing, kayaking, or backpacking adventures around Wisconsin, Michigan, and Minnesota.
Working at camp is a life-changing experience for camp staff and their campers. Staff are role-models, self-confidence boosters, unconditional friends, caregivers, and cheerleaders. In the eyes of our campers, you are the real-life superheroes. Girl Scout camp is a unique experience for you as a staff member that will grow your mind, body, and soul for years to come.
Our Camp Website Link:
Take a look at all the positions we have open for Summer of 2022
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Girl Scouts of the Northwestern Great Lakes Camps
Visit Our Camp Menominee for Boys Website
4985 County Road D
Eagle River, WI 54521
Watch Our Camp Menominee for Boys Video
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.
CAMPER GENDER(S): All Boy Campers.
AFFILIATION(S): Jewish. We are open to everyone!
Sailing, Adventure, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Wilderness/Nature, Travel, Academics, Musical Theater, Soccer, Tennis, Golf, Team Sports, Basketball, Baseball, Football, Wrestling, and more. Hebrew Tutoring For Fall Bar Mitzvah's.
CAMP LOCATION: We are located in the beautiful Northwoods of Wisconsin on over 65 acres of land. We live on a 600 acre lake with a sand bottom. Our website has complete photos and information.
▌Read More about Camp Menominee for Boys
CAMP FACILITIES: We have 18 modern cabins with heating, hot and cold running water, sinks and toilets. All campers have their own bed space, we do not use bunk beds! We have a huge messhall, a great rec hall and several other buildings we do things in. It is a modern facility, with constant improvements throughout.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Camp Menominee provides a safe and healthy camp environment under the direction of a professional, responsive and caring staff.
Programming includes all major land sports and water activities integrated with an appreciation of nature and its surroundings. Emphasis is on being the best you can be, sportsmanship, individual growth and responsibility, camaraderie, friendships, respect of others and the importance of tradition and great memories.
We offer an 8 week session as well as two 4 week sessions and two two week sessions.
CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Contact camp for info on financial aid.
FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): We offer a week of family camp when the boys leave. People have told us their kids like it better than Disney!!
Full Session June 16 - August 7
First Four Week Session June 16 - July 11
Second Four Week Session July 13 - August 7
Please see website for complete details at Our Camp Website Link:
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Camp Menominee for Boys
Visit Our Swift Nature Camp Website
W7471 Ernie Swift Rd
Minong, WI 54859
Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois
25 Baybrook, Oak Brook, Il. 60523
Watch Our Swift Nature Camp Video
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Overnight
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
AFFILIATION(S): Non-denominational... believing in a higher power.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Swift Nature Camp is an overnight nature camp for boys and girls ages 6-15. Our focus is to blend traditional summer camp activities while increasing a child's appreciation for nature, science and the environment.
SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: Our small size allows us to give individual attention to each and every child.
Sailing, Adventure, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Wilderness/Nature, Travel, Academics, Science, Horses/Equestrian, Fine Arts/Crafts, Soccer, Basketball, Baseball, and more. Nature, Science, Outdoors.
Discovery Camp Is Our -Special 1st Time Camper Program That Is Only For 1st Time For All 60 Campers. We Meet The Special Need Of The Younger & New To Camping Children. See How On Our Website. Money Back Guarantee.
CAMP LOCATION: Swift Nature Camp is located deep in the Northwoods of Wisconsin. Our 80 acres are contiguous with a county forest. Our 1200 acre lake is perfect for swimming, skiing, knee-boarding, fishing, sailing and much more
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CAMP FACILITIES: We are a small camp with nearly 1/2 mile of lake frontage. Our 10 cabins are neat and clean they have electricity and heat for those cool summer nights. See more pictures and video on our website Our Camp Website Link:
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Swift Nature Camp is an overnight nature camp for boys and girls ages 6-15. Our focus is to blend traditional summer camp activities while increasing a child's appreciation for nature, science and the environment.
Our special Discovery Camp is a nurturing program for first-time overnight campers, offering additional staff to provide support and encouragement to overcome homesickness and build confidence. The program welcomes no more than 50 first-time campers, and the special attention that this intimate group receives is the reason that more than 92% of them wish to return.
Swift Nature Camp offers traditional summer camp activities along with an environmental focus. Campers enjoy an active Nature Center, Pet Zoo, and Department of Natural Resources sponsored programs, plus recreational activities that include canoe and backpack trips, horseback riding, swimming, arts & crafts, team courses, archery, sailing, water skiing, tubing and sports.
In addition to these traditional activities, Swift Nature Camp is so much more. We are a child-centered program located away from technology, celebrity culture and academic pressures. Through fun activities and positive staff role models, we help children develop lifelong skills such as confidence, teamwork, leadership, compassion and communication. Our small size allows us to promote each child's personal development by providing fun, friendship and leadership in a supportive and noncompetitive environment. While away from home, children will have the opportunity to act on their own, become self-reliant, and try things for themselves.
Many of our kids return year after year saying that "Swift allows me to be my real self with real people." And we feel that's a good thing!
All of this happens in the fun and sun of the north woods of Wisconsin. For staff and campers alike, Swift Nature Camp is more than just a place to be: it is their summer home. So why not have your child join our summer camp family this summer?
CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Yes we have a leadership program for those who are 16 & 17 years old.
CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: YES, scholarships are available. Please, see our website.
Our Camp Website Link:
OTHER CAMP INFO: We are most excited by 1st Time Camper Program that is only for children that have never been to summer camp before. This program has only 5 children in a cabin with 2 counselors. Allowing us to give every child loads of attention for their first time away from home.
Our programs begin mid June and go till mid August
DISCOVERY CAMP (2 WEEKS), June 4-June 16
Boys & Girls 6-12, Cost $1550
PATHFINDER CAMP (2 WEEKS), June 18-June 30
Boys & Girls 6-12, Cost $1550
EXPLORER CAMP (3 WEEKS), July 2-July 21
Boys & Girls 7-15, Cost $2400
EXPLORER CAMP (3 WEEKS), July 23-August 11
Boys & Girls 7-15, Cost $2400
ADVENTURER CAMP (6 WEEKS), July 2-August 11
Boys & Girls 7-15
Cost $4600
CANADIAN CANOE TRIP (5 days), August 10-14
Boys & Girls 14-17, Cost $599
See our Dates & Rates for more Information
Our Camp Website Link:
Swift Nature Camp is looking for great young people to be Camp Counselors and activity specialist. So if you want to spend your summer outside, being a role model to kids be sure to see our website.
Also we need a camp nurse and Outdoor Education Director. Interested, please see our website.
You can change a child's life this summer and in turn change yours.
Watch Our Swift Nature Camp Jobs Video at: Our Camp Website Link:
Watch Our Swift Nature Camp Promo Video at: Our Camp Website Link:
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Swift Nature Camp
Visit Our YMCA Camp Pepin Website
W10915 E Lake Dr
Stockholm, Wisconsin 54769
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp. Family Camp
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: A summer tradition since 1935, Camp Pepin offers day camps, overnight camps, and specialty camps. With a large waterfront, a backwoods area featuring a target range and multiple high-ropes elements, and a variety of skill classes and all-camp activities, campers have opportunities to try new skills and challenge themselves in new ways. Plus, small, tight-knit cabin groups allow campers to develop friendships that can last long past their time at camp.
Sailing, Adventure, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Fine Arts/Crafts, Music/Band, Theater, Martial Arts, and more. Climbing/High Ropes Camp
CAMP LOCATION: We are located on Lake Pepin with 200 feet of shorefront and have an extensive 40-acre backwoods area. Our 10 cabins all face a large field between the lake and the woods. Camp Pepin is accessible from the world-renowned Wisconsin Great River Road, and we are less than 2 hours away from many large cities - including Minneapolis, St. Paul and Rochester.
▌Read More about YMCA Camp Pepin
CAMP FACILITIES: We have 10 cabins (4 of these have attached bathrooms), a dining hall, bathhouse, rec hall, both a field and beach amphitheater for meetings and campfires, a 40-acre backwoods area filled with activities, and a 200-foot beach on Lake Pepin for all kinds of fun on the water.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: In order to achieve our vision of developing a lasting sense of community and fostering the skills necessary to positively contribute to society, Camp Pepin:
• Creates a safe and welcoming environment where campers feel comfortable stepping outside
their comfort zones and trying new things.
• Provides enriching activities and programs taught by passionate and educated instructors.
• Offers varied levels of opportunities for leadership, collaboration, and teamwork.
• Inspires artistic exploration and creative expression.
• Helps campers recognize the importance of the natural world.
• Promotes the development of self-confidence and self-respect.
• Celebrates and educates about a variety of cultures from around the world.
• Encourages the development of healthy habits in daily life.
• Fosters the growth of social skills and collaboration in small and large group settings.
• Ensures that campers are having fun, enjoying the activities, and are entertained!
CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Leaders-in-Training, ages 13-15
• 2-week session from July 24 - August 5
The LIT program is a two-week session designed for teens who are still looking to attend camp, while also developing valuable leadership skills useful for the road ahead. As a group, LITs work through our challenge courses, assist counselors with instruction, and grow as leaders in a community – both at camp and in the “real world.” Our leadership programs focus on effective communication and collaboration, while also defining what it means to be a leader.
Counselors-in-Training, ages 15-17
• 2-week session from July 10-22
At the end of this two-week session, CIT campers will leave feeling confident in their leadership, mentorship, and teaching skills, and will be prepared to serve in this role both at camp, and in their communities. During the first week, CIT campers will gain insight into all aspects of a counselor’s job at camp. Mirroring camp’s own staff training, CITs will participate in a series of activities that address such topics as basic child development and behavior management, counseling techniques and best practices, communication and leadership, environmental stewardship, and community service. The second week of the CIT program acts as an internship, where CITs are placed with cabin groups where they shadow staff, and experience what it takes to be a summer camp counselor.
CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Camp Pepin has a variety of ways for your children and your family to reap the benefits of a camp experience. We offer families the choice of participating in a pre-camp payment plan that allows you to make smaller payments that fit your budget, as well as sibling and multiple session discounts. YMCA members also receive reduced tuition on camps, and the YMCA offers scholarships to those who qualify.
FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Camp Pepin is excited to introduce a new program designed to provide the summer camp experience for the whole family! During our Family Camp on Demand sessions, families can rent out individual cabins that will be assigned exclusively to their group. Access to the waterfront is available for guests, under their own supervision. If you’re looking for even more to do, guests can choose from a variety of camp activities to sign up for in order to create their own itinerary – all taught and supervised by Camp staff. Besides meals and activities, the rest of your family’s stay at camp is on your own time! Families can choose to opt into a meal plan while staying at camp, or prepare their own meals. Please visit our website for dates and details for Family Camp on Demand.
Day Camp sessions, ages 4-12:
• June 13-17
• June 20-24
Summer Sampler Overnight Camp session, ages 6-12:
• July 5-8
Traditional Resident Camp Sessions, ages 9-17:
• June 26 - July 1
• July 10 - 15
• July 17 - July 22
• July 24 -29
• July 31 - August 5
• August 7 - August 12
New Heights Climbing Camp, ages 12+
• June 26 - July 1
Prevailing Winds Sailing Camp, ages 12+
• August 7-1212
Counselors-in-Training, ages 15-17
• 2-week session from July 10-22
Leaders-in-Training, ages 13-15
• 2-week session from July 24 - August 5
See our website for full session details, including prices.
YMCA Camp Pepin is now accepting Staff applications for Summer 2022!
We are searching for young adults who have a passion for improving the lives of those around them, and would work to make each summer the BEST SUMMER EVER for each individual camper. Our counselors work as a team to teach, mentor, entertain, and supervise our campers to make sure that all campers leave safe, exhausted, and educated. If you have any questions about the application materials or any available staff positions, please contact Camp Pepin at camp[AT]
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YMCA Camp Pepin
Visit Our Camp Anokijig Website
W5639 Anokijig Lane
Plymouth, WI 53073
Watch Our Camp Anokijig Video
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
Sailing, Adventure, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Wilderness/Nature, Horses/Equestrian, Fine Arts/Crafts, Music/Band, Dance, Theater, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Soccer, Team Sports, and more. Fishing Expeditions, Camp Comedy, Cross-Training,Field Sports Specialty, Competitive Swim, Teen Adventure Challenge, Jewelry Creation Camp, Day Tripping
CAMP LOCATION: Located an hour north of Milwaukee, or just 2 short hours from Chicago, Camp Anokijig is nestled on 356 beautiful acres in the Northern Unit of the Kettle Moraine State Forest, along Little Elkhart Lake. Conveniently located and easy to reach, but once you are here, you'll feel a world away.
▌Read More about Camp Anokijig
CAMP FACILITIES: Campers will stay in either platform tents, bunkhouses, or cabins, with bathrooms and shower facilities nearby. Delicious meals are served in Western Lodge, one of the largest and most beautiful log structures in the state of Wisconsin.
Program areas include a remarkably clear lake for swimming, boating, and fishing, beachfront, craft lodge, nature center, 18-lane archery range, riflery range, Broken Circle-A-Ranch horseriding facility, and plenty of open space to really breathe in the fresh air!
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Camp Anokijig has been recognized for excellence in camping for 88 years. Founded in 1926, Anokijig has built a history and rich tradition of offering youth experiences that will last a lifetime.
Anokijig is a Native American word meaning "We Serve" but it is also synonymous with new friends, positive values, personal growth, great adventures, and outrageous fun. When you combine that with our dedication to offering campers an experience that emphasizes values such as caring, honesty, respect and responsibility, you have a combination that can't be beat.
Camp Anokijig is open to boys and girls ages 7 to 16, for four days, one week, two weeks, or for up to nine weeks of summer fun. Join us for the traditional Resident Camp, or focus on a specialty camp program. Teens are welcome to challenge themselves with an off-site adventure trip.
Please visit our website for specific descriptions and details of our program offerings.
Our staff members are chosen for their understanding of young people and their ability to communicate with them on a positive level. Our camper-to-staff ratio is about four to one. Most of our staff are previous Anokijig campers, so they bring a perspective to their leadership role that is deeply enhanced by Anokijig's rich spirit and tradition. All staff attend an extensive training program prior to camp opening. Senior staff members carry certifications in First Aid and CPR for the Professional Rescuerer. Certified lifeguards are present for all swimming and boating activities. Medical staff live on site during the summer camp season. Local clinics and hospitals are 5-10 minutes away with quick EMS response.
CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: This position is open to those individuals who are fifteen years of age or older and until graduation from High School. Junior Staff members’ job responsibilities have two different phases. Junior Staff are assigned to camper groups. Under the direct supervision of Senior Staff, Junior Staff will work as a counselor in training and will be in direct contact with the campers. Camper group duties include sleeping in the tents, dining hall supervision, and general supervision in the day-to-day care for the campers.
The second phase of the responsibility is an assignment to a program area. Once again, under the supervision of a trained Senior Staff member, Junior Staff will assist in the teaching and supervision of the campers at the program areas. Program areas include: swimming, canoeing, paddlesports, sailing, windsurfing, fishing, horseback riding, arts & crafts, archery, riflery, nature, dance & drama, digital photography, woodworking, ukulele band, glee choir, and maintenance.
Benefits from the Junior Staff program include leadership training, program skill training, room and board, and the availability of a job reference, if desired, for future employment.
All Junior Staff members are required to complete an application with references and attend a week long staff training. We request that each Junior Staff member complete at least two camp weeks of service in addition to their training week. This is a volunteer position.
CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: We believe that every child should have an opportunity to experience Camp Anokijig. Through the generosity of many caring people, scholarships are available.
Campers can also "Earn their Way" by participating in our candy and/or internet gift sales program.
Discounts are also offered when you bring new friends or siblings.
Contact the camp office for more information regarding scholarships and financial aid programs.
YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Camp Anokijig offers year-round programming including family camping, outdoor education, girl and boy scouting programming, and general group rentals. Everything from lodging, meals, and programming can be customized to fit your group's individual needs. Please visit the website or contact us for more information.
OTHER CAMP INFO: Camp Anokijig is accredited by the American Camp Association. This includes inspections on over 300 safety, health, facility, and program standards. The purpose is to insure the best and safest camping experience possible.
Session 1: June 15 - June 21
Session 2: June 22 - June 28
Session 3: June 29 - July 5
Session 4: July 6 - July 12
Session 5: July 13 - July 19
Session 6: July 20 - July 26
Session 7: July 27 - August 2
Session 8: August 3 - August 9
Session 9: August 10 - August 16
Pricing varies by program choice. Please visit our website for pricing details.
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Camp Anokijig
Visit Our Clearwater Camp for Girls Website
7490 E. Clearwater Road
Minocqua, WI 54548
Watch Our Clearwater Camp for Girls Video
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Traditional sleepaway camp
CAMPER GENDER(S): All Girl Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Since 1933, Clearwater Camp in the Northwoods of Wisconsin has enriched girl’s lives through quality programs. Caring, well-chosen counselors are committed to young people. Most importantly, campers advance toward purposeful maturity, discover that they are special, worthwhile people in a non-competitive traditional camp. Resident registered nurse. ACA accredited.
Sailing, Adventure, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Wilderness/Nature, Travel, Horses/Equestrian, Fine Arts/Crafts, Music/Band, Theater, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Soccer, Tennis, Team Sports, and more. Canoeing, Fishing, Kayaking, Water Skiing & Wake Boarding, Horseback Riding, Archery, Campcraft & Outdoor Cooking, Mountain Biking, Nature Exploration, Creative Writing, Drama, Music, Photography, Pottery, Trips, Packouts, & More.
CAMP LOCATION: Clearwater Camp is located in the Northwoods of Mincoqua, WI and situated on 3,462-acre, spring-fed Tomahawk Lake. Clearwater Camp's 67 acres include a five-acre island, connected to the mainland by a picturesque footbridge, where the older campers stay. Clearwater is also surrounded by dozens of acres of conservancy lands, which feature winding trails that our campers enjoy in activities like riding. Clearwater Camp is also near state forest lands across the lake, which often serve as a campsite for our youngest campers.
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CAMP FACILITIES: Since 1933, Clearwater Camp has been providing a traditional, sleepaway adventure camp for girls and young women. Many of our green-and-white painted mainland buildings or outlying brown camper cabins have stood the test of time. Clearwater's features include 20 camper cabins, a hilltop dining room, a lakeside gathering hall, an overwater boathouse with upstairs arts and craft shop, two tennis courts, a riding stable and riding ring, a campfire amphitheater, an archery ring, a tripping shed, a swimming area and separate waterski and sailing bays.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Clearwater Camp for Girls is a traditional, sleepaway adventure camp featuring dozens of activities every day. Activities include: Sailing, waterskiing, riding, tennis, arts and crafts, canoeing, kayaking, fishing, archery, campcraft and outdoor cooking, mountain biking, nature exploration, land sports, creative writing, drama, music, photography and ceramics.
In addition to our main activities, each camper has the opportunity to take a camping trip during her time at Clearwater, an important and valued aspect of the Clearwater experience. Trips range from canoeing down local rivers to hiking trips around the Porcupine Mountains and Isle Royale to kayaking trips and sailing trips in Lake Superior to even longer canoeing trips in the Boundary Waters.
Clearwater Camp customizes activity and trip schedules for each camper. Before camp begins, each camper fills out a preference sheet indicating what activities most interest them. Clearwater then bases the camper's schedule on the preferences of the camper and her parents, with the opportunity to try new activities along the way. For more information about Clearwater Camp's extensive and exciting program, please visit our website at: Our Camp Website Link:
CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Leadership girls discover what it means to be a camp counselor, learn specific leadership techniques, and make the transition from being served by others to being in the service of others. Those interested in the Leadership program apply through our website, have a phone interview and then are chosen to participate. Candidates must have completed there Junior year in HS.
CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: There are camperships given every year. Applications are to be returned by February 15 for the committee to review.
FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Family Camp is held after the regular camp season for alum, current camper families and those who are interested in sending their children to Clearwater Camp the next summer.
OTHER CAMP INFO: One of the most important aspects about Clearwater Camp is its carefully nurtured culture of kindness, acceptance and the opportunity to grow into purposeful maturity. Our program is thoughtfully designed so that campers and counselors form an incredibly strong community; first-time campers find themselves instantly among friends.
Our program is noncompetitive and supportive, making it easy for campers to try new things without fear of failure. Clearwater Camp strives to foster a culture where our community finds and cherishes that special something in every individual girl.
For more information about Clearwater's unique culture, spirit and activities, please visit our website at: Our Camp Website Link:
2020 Tuition Information: $8500. for seven weeks; $4900 for three-and-a-half weeks; $310 for two weeks. For complete info: Our Camp Website Link:
Responsibilities: Plan and implement a vibrant waterfront program that is fun, engaging, and appropriate for the age and ability of campers; oversee the development and implementation of creative, progressive lesson plans in all aquatic areas; conduct ongoing evaluations of waterfront programs and implement improvements where necessary; collect and evaluate records; report and evaluate camp program and activity areas; continuously monitor and evaluate the success of the program and adjust activities accordingly; ensure that safety practices established by WI State Department of Health and the American Camp Association are in effect at all times.
Qualifications: Must be at least 25 years of age; Current Waterfront Lifeguard certification; current certification in CPR for the Professional Rescuer and First Aid or Responding to Emergencies, prior experience helpful in the development and delivery of recreational programs; experience in supervising others.
Responsibilities: planning logistics, ensuring safety standards are met, ensuring camper readiness, driving camp vans, and coordinating equipment and food.
Qualifications: at least 21 years of age; experience working with children in the outdoors; experience planning and leading backpacking, canoeing, and kayaking trips; current certification from NOLS, Outward Bound, or similar program, or documented experience leading a variety of progressive outdoor experiences; current certification in CPR for the Professional Rescuer and Wilderness First Aid is required; Wilderness First Responder is preferred. Current American Red Cross Waterfront Lifeguard certification is required; this course is offered pre-season. Valid driver’s license and clean driving record required.
Responsibilities: Implement program goals of helping campers progress in their riding ability, organize the overall riding program (maintain equipment and tack, clean barn, pasture, and trails) supervise the other riding staff (delegate responsibilities, assign classes to teach or assist, etc), and care for the horse herd on a daily basis (feeding, grooming, watering, administer 1st aid as needed, etc). Other duties include riding instruction with campers ages 8 to 16.
Qualifications: at least 21 years of age. Possess skills and confidence in leading and organizing English horsemanship with children. Must be confident in teaching riders to ride at walk, trot, canter, post trot, jumping position, and jumping using the correct position with appropriate aids and cues. Supervisory experience. Current certification as a horseback riding instructor or have documented training and experience.
Responsibilities: The Activity/Cabin Counselor is responsible for guiding, supervising, and organizing campers in the cabin, in activities, on trips, and throughout camp so as to meet the goals of Clearwater Camp. Cabin and activity counselors assist in the direction, supervision, and organization of campers in the cabin; maintain high standards of health and safety throughout camp for campers and staff; develop and deliver program that is fun, engaging, and appropriate for the age and ability of campers; manage and care for the physical facilities and equipment in cabin and activity area.
Qualifications: Must be at least 19 years of age or have completed one year of college; current certification in the program area or documented training and experience; current certification in CPR and First Aid, Wilderness First Aid, or Wilderness First Responder where required; current Waterfront Lifeguard certification where required. Of note, we prefer most of our staff to be lifeguard certified, training is available.
For more information, visit our website at: >Our Camp Website Link: Contact: melinda[AT]
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Clearwater Camp for Girls
Visit Our Liberty Guides Wilderness Adventures Website
(231) 247-0003
Harbor Springs, Michigan 49740
Ohio, Wisconsin
Watch Our Liberty Guides Wilderness Adventures Video
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp.
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Liberty Guides is a one of a kind premium guide service and outfitter based within the pristine wilderness of Northern Michigan. Our truly awe inspiring adventures are guaranteed to create memories that last a lifetime! Our mission is to excite and educate our young Explorers and foster passions they will keep a lifetime, a love and respect for America’s wealth of natural resources and pioneer spirit.
Sailing, Adventure, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Wilderness/Nature, Travel, Horses/Equestrian, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Golf, and more. Basic Wilderness Survival Training
Backwoods Camping
Trail Hiking
Mountain Biking
Kayaking / Canoeing
Horseback Riding
Zip Line Canopy Tour
Dune Buggy & Off Road Excursions
Great Lakes Seaplane Tour
Lake Superior's Sunken Shipwreck Tour
Cliff Diving
Waterfall Tours
Nightly Campfires
Gourmet Prepared Meals
VIP Grand Hotel Overnight & Fort Mackinac Tour
VIP 2-Day VIP Cedar Point Amusements Park Trip
Daily Free Time Activities Include:
Drone Photography / Videography, Geo Caching, Archery, Fishing, Frisbee, Hacky Sack, Swimming, Go-Karting, Laser Tag, Paintball, Putt-Putt Golf, Horseshoes, Bowling, Campfire Jam Sessions & Standard High Jinks.
CAMP LOCATION: Harbor Springs Michigan
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CAMP FACILITIES: We are a free range adventure bases out of northern Michigan, however we travel throughout the region. We live out of our tents and backpacks (when we aren't staying at a nice resort).
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Our guide teams are comprised of dedicated conservationist each with over 25 years back country guide experience, but most importantly we give special consideration to employ individuals whom we believe share in our mission and have the specialized skills to provide an adventure experience that is second to none!
FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Custom designed family adventure packages.
YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Custom designed family adventure packages.
OTHER CAMP INFO: Hot Spots of Adventure:
Isle Royale National Park & Wildlife Biosphere
Porcupine Mountains
Pere Marquette River
North Country National Trail
Tahquamenon Waterfalls
Silver Lake Sand Dunes
Pictured Rocks National Shoreline
Mackinac Island
Cedar Point Amusement Park
In an effort to provide the highest level of safety and quality of experience we limit each session to 16 Explores ages 15+ years old and maintain a 1:3 Guide / Explorer Ratio.
Explores will really appreciate the opportunity to share their experiences with friends and family from our Wi-Fi enabled Safari Transport Vehicle while in route to our next big adventure!
July: 7th, 2019- August 3rd,2019
Early Registration: $15,495 (Ends May 15, 2019)
General Registration $16,995
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Liberty Guides Wilderness Adventures
Visit Our North Star Camp for Boys Website
10970 W Boys Camp Rd
Hayward, Wisconsin 54843
1835 N. Leavitt
Chicago, IL 60647
Watch Our North Star Camp for Boys Video
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.
CAMPER GENDER(S): All Boy Campers.
Sailing, Adventure, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Wilderness/Nature, Horses/Equestrian, Fine Arts/Crafts, Theater, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Soccer, Tennis, Golf, Team Sports, Basketball, Baseball, Football, Weightloss, and more. Archery, Rock Climbing, Mountain Biking, Zip-Lining, Waterskiing, Wakeboarding, Windsurfing, Fishing, Canoeing, Kayaking, Snorkeling, Riflery, Stand Up Paddleboarding, Outdoor Living Skills, Disc Golf, Dodgeball, & Camping Trips.
CAMP LOCATION: Set on 120 acres, with 2.5 miles of beautiful Northwoods shoreline, North Star Camp is located outside of Hayward in Northwest Wisconsin.
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CAMP FACILITIES: Located on a peninsula with beautiful views of the Spider Lake chain in every direction, North Star has 18 Log Cabins that will be the boys' summer home. Add in our Lodge, recreation hall, adventure facilities, athletic fields and courts, and endless woods and trails, North Star's facilities combine to make for a boy's paradise.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: North Star Camp is a premier residential camp for boys in Hayward, Wisconsin. Set on 120 acres, with 2.5 miles of beautiful Northwoods shoreline, North Star offers a rich variety of activities and experiences designed to stimulate the imagination and challenge the skills of boys ages 8 to 15.
Structured but not regimented, the North Star program reflects North Star's philosophy of giving young people an opportunity to experience adventure in a friendly, welcoming pace away from the stress of everyday life.
Our diverse program offers opportunities in athletics, water sports, creative arts, and adventure programming, and instills a sense of healthy competition through our Achievement Based Programming. Every camper also embarks on an age-appropriate wilderness trip with their cabin, which takes them canoeing or hiking through the scenic landscapes of the upper Midwest.
Your son will return from his first summer at North Star raving about his new friends and new adventures, and he will come home a more confident, responsible, and compassionate young man. You will undoubtedly see the growth and maturity he gained from his North Star experience.
We encourage you to visit our website at Our Camp Website Link: and give us a call, so that you can learn more about North Star and the people that make it such a special place.
We offer 4 or 8 week sessions. For more information, please visit the Dates and Fees page of our website at: Our Camp Website Link:
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North Star Camp for Boys
Visit Our St. John's Summer Academy, Lancers Day Camp Website
(262) 646-7199
St. John's Northwestern Academies
1101 Genesee Street
Delafield, Wisconsin 53018
St. John's Northwestern Academies
1101 Genesee Street
Delafield, WI 53018
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp.
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers. All Boy Campers.
AFFILIATION(S): Christian.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Become a Little Lancer! and girls in grades 1-6 are invited to attend an active, character-building day camp on the campus of St. John’s Northwestern Academies June 14-18 and August 9-13, 2021. Sign up for one or both! Lancers Day Camp provides the perfect combination of recreational and team-building activities for a well-balanced, out-of-school experience.
Sailing, Adventure, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Golf, Team Sports, and more.
CAMP LOCATION: St. John's Northwestern Academies is located on a beautiful 110-acre campus in Delafield, Wisconsin. Located in the heart of Waukesha County's "Lake Country," Delafield is 35 minutes west of Milwaukee, one hour east of Madison, adjacent to US I-94, and two hours from Chicago.
▌Read More about St. John's Summer Academy, Lancers Day Camp
CAMP FACILITIES: Summer on the beautiful 110-acre campus of St. John's Northwestern Military Academy is energetic and bustling with activity. Located in Delafield, Wisconsin, the heart of Waukesha County's "Lake Country," St. John’s Northwestern Academies provides the structure and facilities for our overnight and day camp programs. Facilities include three residence halls, a dining hall, student center, chapel, nine-hole golf course, football/lacrosse field, soccer field, two baseball fields, track, tennis courts, ropes course, rappelling/climbing tower, and gymnasium with basketball courts, pool, and weight rooms. Neighboring Nagawicka Lake provides 981 acres for sailing, canoeing and kayaking.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: A wide range of engaging, unplugged, hands-on activities include:
Rock Wall Climbing
Lake Activities
Obstacle Course
Basic Rifle Marksmanship
Bubble Ball
YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: St. John's Northwestern Academies is a coed independent boarding and day school for grades 7-12.
2021 Price: $575/child/session
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St Johns Summer Academy Lancers Day Camp
Visit Our Camp Website
Camp Cell: 701.367.6582
Summer: 218.532.2570
YMCA Camp Cormorant
14563 YMCA Lane
Lake Park, Minnesota
TYPE OF CAMP: Week long Overnight camp
Christian, Travel, Adventure, Equestrian/Horses, Wilderness, Adventure Camp, Mini Camp, Horsemanship Camp, Cooking Camp, Fishing Camp, Ropes Course Camp, Waterski Camp, Wilderness Camp, Counselor in Training (CIT) Program.
LOCATION: YMCA Camp Cormorant is located on the beautiful shores of Big Cormorant Lake, MN.
FACILITIES: YMCA Camp Cormorant provides a unique outdoor environment with cozy cabins, an extensive beach, athletic fields, a volleyball sand court, horse trails, a newly remodeled ropes course, and much more!
PROGRAM INFO: Our camp curriculum provides more than just a good time or teaching outdoor skills. Developing Christian values in devotions, respect for fellow campers, gaining new interests and talents, enjoying the outdoors with new and old friends is the framework of Camp Cormorant.
With so many camps to choose from, something is sure to spark your interest, such as Adventure Camp, Mini-Camp, Horsemanship Camp, Cooking Camp, Fishing Camp, Ropes Course Camp, Waterski Camp, and Wilderness Camp!
For more information, visit us online!
OTHER CAMP INFO: No day at camp is just a typical day! There is always fun and exciting activities that go on every day that create variety and life long memories at camp! Come join us and experience the spirit and tradition of Camp Cormorant. It will stay with you forever!
SESSION DATES & FEES: Weekly Camp Sessions are available June through August. Please check each specific camp for session details as not all camps run every session.
Session 1: June 9 � 14
Session 2: June 16 � 21
Session 3: July 7 � 12
Session 4: July 14 � 19
Session 5: July 21 � 26
Session 6: July 28 � August 2
Session 7: August 4 � 9
Session 8: August 11 � 16
For more information or to register, visit us online!
Gateway Area Council
2600 Quarry Rd.
La Crosse, WI 54601-3997
Chippewa Valley Council
710 S. Hastings Way
Eau Claire, WI 54701-3425
Glacier's Edge Council
5846 Manufacturers Drive
Madison, WI 53704-6278
Bay Lakes Council
2555 Northern Road
Appleton, WI 54914-8753
Three Harbors Council
330 South 84th Street
Milwaukee, WI 53214-1468
(414) 774-1776
Potawatomi Area Council
N. 12 West 24498 Bluemound Rd.
Waukesha, WI 53187-0528
Samoset Council
3511 Camp Phillips Road
Weston, WI 54476
Voyageurs Area Council
3877 Stebner Road
Hermantown, MN 55811-1733
Blackhawk Area Council
1800 7th Ave.
Rockford, IL 61110-0585
WISCONSIN SAILING CAMP OWNERS & DIRECTORS: If you would like to submit your camp for listing in our 2025 Best Wisconsin Summer Sailing Camps Directory, please click on the "SUBMIT YOUR CAMP" link above.
WISCONSIN SAILING CAMP PARENTS & CAMPERS: If you are looking to find info on how to choose the best summer camp to attend this summer, please check out our 2025 GUIDE TO CHOOSING THE BEST SUMMER SAILING CAMP for some great camp research tips and lots of important 2025 summer camp info.
In addition to our 2025 Wisconsin Summer Sailing Camps Directory we have also created quite a few SPECIAL INTEREST CAMP DIRECTORIES, and have included brief descriptions of these and links to their dedicated websites on the 2025 CAMP GUIDE page.
You can go directly to any of our other 2025 Special Interest Camp Directories from the list in the black bar at the bottom of this page.
Top Ten Reasons to Attend Sailing Camp
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